So our lease is almost up. And I cannot wait to get out of here. When we first moved in, it was great. Clean, nice, respectful people. Now, it is a mess. Dirty, rude, and weird people.
Second month in, the neighbor down stairs was blasting their
music, I mean blasting! Our floor was shaking. Told management. What did they do' They told him it was us. So he came up to confront us. Thanks Tressa!!! Just what we needed.
Around our 3rd month here, there was a girl who overdosed on drugs, running around the apartment complex butt naked. No one helped her so I called the cops to get her some help.
A month or so after that, there was a guy who was pounding on our door trying to enter our apartment. I guess he went into some other girls apartment before our and was trying to find a place to hide. That girls brother and I subdued the man and called the cops on him. What did Tressa do' Prob. nothing at all. I gave them the police case number but heard nothing after that.
Oct. We had a pumpkin outside our door to be festive. Bad idea. Someone stole our pumpkin.
A month or so passed and guess what, someone decided it was more convenient to let their dog poop in the hall way and decided not to pick it up. The poop was there for a few days. They had the nerve to scatter it around the floor. Talking about nasty. We complained to the management team. I'm guessing nothing was done.
A week later, more POOP on the floor!! Again, complained. Nothing done I suppose.
A week later, MORE POOP!!!! This time we took pictures and gave it to the management team. How long did it take them to clean it up' 2 days.
In the morning of a work day, we heard this girl scream for help. REALLY LOUD!! At 6 A.M. And she screamed for over an hour. Neighbor downstairs. Cops came, guess she was on drugs. Funny thing is she didn't even live there. That guy was a dealer''' Could be.
Parking garage issues!!! You would of guess paying for a secured parking spot in a secured parking garage would mean your car is safe. There are cameras, gates, etc. But no. Cars in the garage gets broken into more then the cars parked outside. I don't think I have ever had an incident when I parked my car on the streets. But someone tried to break into my car in the garage. It got so bad that Tressa issued notices and warnings. Even my neighbors car got broken into. When you ask to see the videos, they told me the cameras really "are not hooked up".
Security guards... ah yes. We pulled into the garage one night and caught a security guard smoking in the garage. A no no in terms of his work agreement and the law. So what did he do' Decided to threaten us. Yeah! Can you believe that' A rent a cop decided to threaten me. Was I scared. No. WTF can he do'
And recently, 3 A.M. Someone decided to rip off something I have on my front door. It's more of a respect thing for me. Leave my ---- alone. I complained, what did they do' Nothing as of yet.
Elevators sucks here!!! They deactivated one, so everyone has to use one elevator. Making it a nightmare. It takes 10 minutes to go up or down.
There is more stuff, but I cannot remember all of the incidents. If you are thinking this is a good place to live. Think again. My word of advice, look somewhere else. Full of bad bad people here. Management sucks. People sucks.
I rented from spring 10 through spring 11.