(this is a long review, so buckle in)
This place is a slum. You'll pay for amenities that you can't use.
The pool has been closed for almost 4 years and is absolutely disgusting. The elevator has not
worked for over a year, and no one has ever come to even look at it in the whole time it's been broken. We have severe water damage on our ceiling that has never been fixed, despite putting a work order in three times. Our showerhead has no pressure whatsoever and is filled with mold, and despite us putting in a work order over a year ago, we have to shower in the front of the tub. There is **BLACK MOLD** on our ceilings and bathroom that no one has come to fix in the 5+ years we've been here, despite the many, many work orders we've filed. The door to the laundry has been broken into so many times that they had to put a wooden restraint over the door; which doesn't work. It was broken into and our rent deposit box was stolen, so we have to drive for 40 minutes there and back and have to slide our rent checks through the top of the door because they don't even have a mailslot to drop it into. I hope you don't have to take the bus because it'll take you over an hour to get there and over an hour to get back.
This place is a slum and the manager doesn't give a shit about it, nor the people who live here, and our maintenance guy, although he's very nice and personable, is lazy and doesn't do much but walk around the building picking up cigarette butts. Even he moved out of this building a couple of months ago because he couldn't stand living here. I am not joking, he really did move out of this complex.
If you are even one day late on your rent, you get a "14-day to pay or quit" eviction notice on your door along with an outrageous $250-$750 late fee. They won't even let us sign a lease. It's a pay-by-month only facility.
Although we've wanted to move out for a very, very long time, this is the only place we could find or afford at the moment and is not worth one cent of the rent we pay.
I hate it here so much.
Oh, and watch out for the meth addicts and junkies who have broken into several cars and who frequently go through our trash and leave what they don't want on the pavement next to the trash can.
The pictures show our apartment alone. I shudder to think what the other ones look like.