After I posted this same review at three other top apartment review websites, it was deleted! My whole entry for the building disappeared, and it was back to "Be the first to rate this building!"
Hollow old walls and floors and ill-fitting doors mean that you will hear every single personal noise your neighbors make, and vice versa. Ambulances from two major hospitals go screaming down Boren at all hours, fire trucks and police go screaming down
Pine Street (1.5 blocks from here), and occasionally there are sirens on I-5 as well (1 block away--sounds like the ocean). You will develop insomnia if you live here. The management claims these studios are 450 square feet, but I measured mine and it's 330. Homeless junkies like to hang out in our trash cans; most dump their trash in our alley and our recycling bins, but there's one crazy female street addict who cleans up the glass shard-filled garbage dirt from time to time with her naked hands, muttering at herself. There's wet street junkie housing in the former Wintonia Hotel apartment building across our alley, and a schizophrenic football fan who occasionally goes off his meds lives in the lowest apartment there overlooking our building.
Structurally, this building is shaky. When my neighbor walks in her apartment, I and my furniture bounce up and down. If anyone's on the roof, each step feels like an earthquake. Large cracks all over the plaster walls, some of which have obviously been repaired before recracking. The hollow plaster-and-lathe walls almost act like guitar sounding boards, making some of your neighbors' noises even louder in your apartment than at the source. I used to be woken up every morning by my neighbor's zipping his jeans. Judging by the cracks and e.g. differences in door frame-to-ceiling height, this building might be subsiding down Boren Avenue. There's a twisted ceiling beam in the laundry room in the basement that's also pointing in that direction.
The building LOOKS good. It's old. The location is also good. But it's no longer economical.
Our building was sold Oct. 1, 2007. The new owners replaced the hot water mains, slapped up some dark mud-colored paint (to make the halls darker so we can't see how dirty they are?). They replaced the old but working front door intercom with a new working front door intercom from which you can't hear the voice of the person trying to identify himself. It doesn't even sound like Charlie Brown's teacher--you just hear a rush of noise and no human voice at all. Unsafe. They installed free wireless Internet for the building but a student neighbor recently posted a note begging for help because the wireless was on the fritz again and he had a term paper due. Then the new landlords raised my rent by a third.