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2403 Boylston AveWrite a Review

2403 Boylston Ave, Seattle, WA 98102

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πŸ›Œ   Bedroom


πŸ›   Bathroom

About 2403 Boylston Ave

Seattle Urban Village - Property Id: 77684

Fully furnished. A rare opportunity to live in a brand new building, urnished 1 private bedroom. 360 view of downtown Seattle and Space needle. Community kitchen and laundry.

Linens, towels and beddings provided. Property managed and common space cleaned regularly

Flexible lease terms. No pets/no smoking/month to month stay

Close to downtown, Amazon.com, on Microsoft connector bus line. Public transit one block away.

Month to month lease with 30 days minimum stay. Single occupancy with utilities/WiFi included. Additional guest $95/month/person.
Apply at TurboTenant: http://rental.turbotenant.com/p/2403-boylston-ave-seattle-wa/77684
Property Id 77684

No Pets Allowed

Location Details

πŸ“ 2403 Boylston Ave, Seattle, WA 98102

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Former Resident

The worst people to rent from, the way they treat a β€œguest” is more like a subject of an authoritarian regime or a prisoner of war! It’s awful, the very very worst. Please don’t rent this place. 2401 and 2403 boylston are both by the same people so stay away! ...

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